SPA April 2024 Newsletter

New Payment Submission Portal Bringing More Communication and Efficiencies

Since January 2024, SPA has been testing out the use of Smartsheet to manage payment submissions. SmartSheet offers the ability to provide notifications to submitters as requests are routed through the review and approval process.

We’ve completed the pilot phase of our new SmartSheet expenditure process, and effective May 1, 2024, all payment (check requests, travel claims, invoices, etc.) and purchase order requests are to be submitted via our SmartSheet Expenditure Submission form. To prevent confusion and duplication of efforts, please do not send expenditure requests to or to individual SPA contacts.

There will be a two-week grace period for transition between the prior and new processes. After May 15, submissions sent via email will be returned with instructions to submit through the new portal. Check requests for paying Visa credit cards should continue to be sent to Naomi in Business Services (

Process overview:

  • Access the expenditure submission portal here.
  • Submit one request per submission.
  • Upload request document and support items (receipts, etc.) as one pdf file. Your consolidation of these items is necessary for expedient processing.
  • Once received, expenditure requests will be routed to the appropriate SPA representative.

The submitter will receive an automated email notification 1) when the request is submitted (if “send me a copy of my responses” box is checked), 2) routed for SPA approvals, and 3) sent to UEI Business Services Department (BSD) for final internal requirement and check processing. Once sent to BSD, please contact them at for the status of the check.

If SPA has questions about requests, communications will be conducted via regular email between SPA and the submitter. Inquiries from submitters will go to

We appreciate any feedback that you think may continue to enhance the process.

Travel Policy Updated Effective March 7, 2024

In alignment with the CSU travel policy and Sacramento State, effective March 7, 2024, UEI’s travel policy #2035 has been updated. Some of the highlights include 1) receipts will no longer be required for subsistence transactions below $75 if they are not purchased with a credit card issued by UEI, and 2) rates for reimbursement are now based on the location of the traveler’s final destination. Per Diem rates are set by the U.S. General Services Administration and may be found on their website. Receipts are required for airfare, car rental, hotel, hospitality, team/group meals, registration, and supplies. The Travel Request and Claim form is updated on SPA’s forms site under Expenditures. Additional resources for travel information will be posted by UEI Business Services Department in the coming weeks.

Youth Programs Require Youth Protection Training

UEI and Sacramento State are committed to providing a safe environment for youth interacting with members of our campus. Campus Risk Management Services (RMS) developed an online Youth Protection Program in accordance with California law and Sacramento State Policy #13764066.  The training is mandatory for all staff and volunteers at Sacramento State, or its associated programs and auxiliaries, who may interact with non-matriculated minors as part of their work.

If relevant, you will receive an email from UEI Human Resources (HR) about the training. Project directors are responsible for complying with other critical elements of the Youth Protection Program, including registering their program with RMS.

We appreciate your prompt participation when notified by UEI HR. For training questions, please contact

For more information about the program requirements or to register your program, please visit:

Project Administration Guide Updates – New project reporting requirements

Updates have been made to SPA’s Project Administration Guide, our online reference source for PIs, project director and support staff. Please take a moment to review the new section on project reporting requirements. Additionally, revisions have been made to the following sections to reflect revised policies and procedures: check requests, general travel policies, and international travel procedures.

SPA Staff Updates

Please join us in congratulating Dale Powers and Justin Lucero on their new appointments in SPA as Compliance & Grant Analysts. Dale previously worked with SPA as an Analyst, and we are excited about her return. Justin has been working in SPA for the past several years as an Account Administration Associate.  Both are joining a team that work primarily with self-support centers/institutes and the colleges of ECS, SSIS, and BA.