UEI Financial System Upgrade – Estimated Go Live Date August 21
UEI will migrate its financial system software this fall to Finance Enterprise™ by CentralSquare, as mentioned in the April 2023 SPA Update. It will take the place of OneSolution™, the system currently in use. The tentative go live date for Finance Enterprise™ is Monday, August 21st. Additional information is being communicated directly to current OneSolution™ users from UEI Information Technology.
If you are not currently a OneSolution™ user, but would like access to financial reports for your UEI accounts, please submit the User Request form to sp@csus.edu.
Expenditure Submission Reminder
As a reminder, SPA centralized its expenditure processing in April 2023. All payment and purchase order requests should be sent to spa-admin@csus.edu. This allows for better tracking and efficiency in processing expenses. To prevent delays, please submit requests as email attachments rather than via Adobe Sign. Submissions outside of the centralized system may not be processed.
Faculty Agreements – Submit now for 23/24 additional employment
With the fall semester starting soon, please route faculty agreements for additional employment project work being finished this summer and occurring during this academic year. The agreement form can be found in the Forms section of our webpage which will need to be completed and routed for approval before submitting to SPA, so please plan accordingly. Please send the completed form by email and not via Adobe Sign. Completed Faculty Agreements may be sent to spa-admin@csus.edu. An estimated 25% hours resource for AY 23/24 per Article 36 – Additional Employment is available here.
Other matters that can delay processing include the following:
- Discrepancy between start and end dates of grant/contract compared to estimated additional employment hours requested. Confirm with your SPA account administrator if you are unsure if specific working periods can be charged.
- University time base % is not entered correctly or adds up to 100% if more than two appointments
- Not providing additional information if agreement spans between two similar periods (Ex. How many hours in Summer 2023 and Summer 2024)
- Missing information on the top portion of the form such as University ID and the answer to the question about eligibility to work in the US.
FERP: Please note that due to PERS limitations, those participating in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) are not eligible for additional employment. FERP faculty may only receive University release time to work on a grant/contract. Please contact the Office of Faculty Advancement for more information.
UEI Account and Project Administration Guide
Sponsored Programs Administration will soon release an online manual for Principal Investigators, Project Directors, and other project administration staff. This manual will be available for use beginning Monday, August 28th. It will contain information on various UEI and post award administration processes. A link to the manual will be provided in a separate communication as soon as it is available.