Separating UEI Employees No Longer Working on a Project
There are many factors to take into consideration when separating a UEI employee, part-time or full-time, from a sponsored project dependent on the type of separation — voluntary or involuntary.
- Voluntary separations: UEI HR should be notified 72 hours in advance (or as soon as possible in the case that an employee ends their employment with no notice) by submitting the separation form to
- Updated voluntary part-time separation procedures may be found at
- Involuntary separation: UEI HR should be contacted by phone at (916) 278-7003 or by email at to discuss the nature of the termination and to arrange payment of final wages prior to discharging the employee.
- More information on part-time involuntary separations may be found at
Full-time Benefited Employees: Further consideration is given to full-time, benefited employees and discussion with UEI HR should start as soon as you become aware of an employee’s resignation or potential termination. A benefited employee might be laid off due to the funding ending for the grant that they are working on. When lay off is possible, UEI HR must be notified 30 days in advance. If your grant ends soon and a benefited employee will be separated as a result, please discuss this with your SPA analyst as soon as possible.
Separation Form: Regardless of type of separation, the Separation from Employment form should be completed and submitted via email to or via fax to (916) 278-4747. This must be done by 9 a.m. three (3) business days prior to an employee’s last day to follow the law and avoid possible penalties.
Final timesheet: The employee’s supervisor will need to approve the employee’s final timesheet by 9 a.m. three (3) business days before the final workday. Labor law states that employees should be paid any wages due on their last day. The only exception is when an employee does not give notice. In this circumstance, the employer has 72 hours (including weekends) to give the employee their final check. If wages are not received timely based on these requirements, penalties are assessed.
Upcoming Holiday Closures
UEI offices will be closed Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29 in observance of Thanksgiving and will reopen on Monday, December 2.
Additionally, in accordance with the University’s winter break closure, UEI will be closed from Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1 and will reopen on Thursday, January 2.
Our Virtual Front Desk continues to be held every Wednesday from 9am-10am, with the last one for 2024 scheduled for Wednesday, December 18.
Access to UEI information and forms is available at SPA forms are available at
Happy holidays from all of us in Sponsored Programs Administration!
Successful Fall 2024 Resource Fair
In September, Sponsored Programs Administration and the Offices of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development held the first inaugural Sacramento State Sponsored Programs Resource Fair. Attendees included faculty, deans, the provost, and many others. We appreciate all who attended or provided a resource table. Planning is underway to hold a similar event during the upcoming spring semester.
If you attended and have any feedback you’d like to provide, please reach out to Whether you were able to attend or not, you are encouraged to contact us with suggestions or requests for our next resource fair.
Federal Uniform Guidance Update
On October 1, 2024, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance – Final Rule went into effect. Areas impacted by the changes include:
- equipment/supplies,
- subaward amounts subject to indirect cost,
- de minimisindirect cost rates, and
- Single Audits.
The increases to equipment thresholds ($5,000 to $10,000) and subaward amounts subject to indirect cost (increased from the first $25,000 to $50,000) can only be implemented once a new Sacramento State Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement is approved. An indirect cost rate proposal was submitted in fiscal year (FY) 2023 to our cognizant federal agency, however negotiations have not yet been initiated.
We’ve been informed that our F&A rate agreement proposal will be reviewed soon within the current fiscal year. Until the new rate agreement is approved, we cannot implement the new equipment and subaward thresholds into new proposal budgets. Once negotiations with the cognizant agency are complete, we will communicate the new effective date to you. Besides the equipment and subaward thresholds, all other revisions are effective for Federal awards issued on or after October 1, 2024.
Awards issued prior to October 1, 2024, follow their original terms and conditions.
Goodbye and Hello: UEI Personnel Updates
As you may know, Sharon Rucker, Payroll Services Manager, announced her retirement earlier this fall. Her last day will be this Wednesday, November 27. The Payroll Department works closely with projects to pay faculty and staff accurately and in a timely manner.
Thanks to a dedicated hiring committee and HR staff, Laura Bursee joins UEI as the new Payroll Services Manager. Laura comes to UEI with a wealth of knowledge and experience after 18 years as Payroll Manager with Aerojet.
Please join SPA in congratulating and thanking Sharon for her years of service to UEI and the Sacramento State community.