Faculty Agreements in December
Faculty timesheets for time worked in calendar year 2023 through December 15 were due by Monday, December 18 per the UEI published payroll calendar. Time worked December 16-31 are due on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 and will be the first paycheck reflected as reportable income in 2024. The reportable income period is determined by the date timesheets are paid not reported working days. As a reminder, a faculty agreement must be on file with Payroll Services to submit hours in the UEIWorkforce timekeeping system on the pertinent account(s). Any questions regarding employee taxes, W2s, or the timekeeping system can be directed to UEI Payroll Services at (916) 278-7427 or UEIPayroll@csus.edu.
New Hospitality Form
As announced in our last SPA Updates, UEI’s Hospitality Justification form is now available and is to be submitted with reimbursement requests or Visa Expenditure Forms when hospitality transactions occur. This form may be found on UEI’s Business Services page. Hospitality transactions include the provision of meals, refreshments, entertainment services, promotional items, and gifts, awards, and prizes as defined in Sacramento State’s Hospitality Policy. When submitting the hospitality justification form, be sure to include any of the listed required supporting backup documentation and information because it is key to the approval process.
New Subcontractor Request Form
If some of the key work performed on a sponsored project will be done by an outside entity – such as another university, non-profit organization, or school district – UEI must issue a subaward/subcontract to the other entity. Another example of a subrecipient/subcontractor is an institution or organization that will use funding to further activities at their sites. The agreement is required to document the relationship, funding amount, scope of work, and deliverables. It also passes down the same terms and conditions our institution is subject to by the sponsor. A new request form has been created to facilitate gathering the information for drafting the subaward. Please complete the form, which is available on our Forms page under the Expenditure heading. Once completed, submit to your Compliance & Grants Analyst, at least 30 days prior to the anticipated start date. A 60-day advance notice to UEI is preferred.
Please note that a formal determination of a subrecipient/subcontractor will be performed by ORIED and SPA to confirm that the work is in fact related to a key role on the project. If it is not a key role, the work will either be defined as consultant/independent contractor or employee. You can work with your Analyst to learn more about the determination process and timing of the determination in relation to the request form.
UEI Business Card (Visa (r)) Process and New Forms
UEI’s business card guidelines and related forms are now available on Business Services’ website. Effective now, the forms for use by sponsored projects are:
- Business Card Request or Update Form and Agreement Copy
- Visa Expenditure Form – SPA (to be used for sponsored programs project faculty and staff)
- Forms should be sent to Naomi Brito at nbrito@csus.edu by the 10th of each month
- Visa Missing Receipt Form (to be used when receipts are missing from reconciliation)
Please discontinue use of the check request form to provide Visa expenditure information. The new Visa Expenditure Form is the appropriate paperwork to submit as it will provide the level of detail necessary for UEI to efficiently post and process credit card payments. Questions regarding the new forms may be directed to Cheryl Stone, Accounts Payable Supervisor, at cheryls@csus.edu or (916) 278-7764.
Upcoming Holiday Closures
In accordance with the University’s winter break closure, UEI will be closed from Friday December 22 through Monday January 1 and will reopen on Tuesday January 2. Access to UEI information and forms is available at https://www.enterprises.csus.edu.